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Sun Trine Jupiter Horoscope 2024: Astrologer Reveals What’s Ahead for Your Zodiac Sign

Find out what our astrologer says about the Sun Trine Jupiter 2024 and how it will impact your sign

Cool breezes, tumbling, fiery leaves and darker twilights are upon us as we head into October and deeper into fall. The astrology of the moment has been truly intense, with back to back eclipses bringing waves of change. Yet, at the same time, this month plays host to one of the brightest, lightest, luckiest celestial meet-ups of the year: sun trine Jupiter, which will be exact on Sunday, October 13. 

In astrology, a trine is when two planets connect from a 120-degree angle, creating a free-flowing, positive aspect that spurs easygoing energy. Trines occur between planets (or luminaries, which include the sun and the moon) moving through signs that share the same element (fire, earth, air and water). 

In the case of sun trine Jupiter 2024, the sun will be sitting at 21 degrees of Libra, the cardinal air sign, while connecting with Jupiter, which will be moving backward through 21 degrees of Gemini, the mutable air sign. Here’s everything you need to know about Sun Trine Jupiter 2024 and how it can impact your sign. 

What you need to know about Sun Trine Jupiter 2024 

After moving into Libra on September 22, the sun has ushered in Libra season and brought a more diplomatic, beauty-loving, justice-seeking tone to how we’re moving through life. Until the sun shifts into Scorpio on October 22, you may be inspired to prioritize peace, balance, beauty and pairing up. Meanwhile, Jupiter has been in fellow social air sign Gemini since May 25, amplifying the cerebral aspects of life, such as communication and connection, socializing and soaking up all the information possible.  

When the most vibrant luminary connects with expansive Jupiter — nicknamed the great benefic, because it’s the luckiest planet in the solar system — in a harmonizing trine, you can expect a surge of optimism, fortune, personal growth, happiness and opportunities for success. Enthusiasm soars, you can overcome challenges more readily and the stage might even be set for financial gain or professional advancement, depending on how the aspect interacts with your birth chart. And because this sync-up is happening in two people-oriented air signs, your social life could feel more lively and fulfilling. 

It does bear noting that because Jupiter is retrograde, the effects of the trine might be felt in a more inward and emotional versus external way. For instance, you could experience a personal breakthrough that amplifies your confidence and ultimately lays the groundwork for a promotion as opposed to getting hard and fast news about a new position from your higher-ups.  

When is Sun Trine Jupiter 2024? 

The sun will trine Jupiter on Sunday, October 13 at 11:52 p.m. ET/8:52 p.m. ET. But you could feel its effects for about a week before and after the astrological event is exact.  

What Sun Trine Jupiter 2024 means for you, based on your sign 

Here, how the sun trine Jupiter  2024 will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)


 Aries jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

When the sun in your partnership zone forms its harmonizing angle to lucky Jupiter in your communication sector, you can hit the ground running on any kind of ambitious endeavor alongside a significant other, friend, loved one or business partner. Not only will your curiosity and motivation soar, but you’re extra invested in working as part of a pair to cross the finish line. Understanding your partner’s needs on a more intuitive level can be especially useful for setting up a win.

Click through for more on Aries


Taurus jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

When the vitality-bringing sun in your daily routine zone syncs with lucky Jupiter in your money sector, you could feel like you’re on the precipice of newfound success. Part of this could be that your everyday hustle is more fulfilling as a result of working with people whose company you enjoy and who help you to feel seen and appreciated. You could be thrilled that your values are reflected by your work, as well. In turn, it’s time to magnetize earning more or gaining well-deserved recognition. 

Click through for more on Taurus


Pisces jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

Your perspective can’t help but be especially buoyant and lighthearted with the sun in your romance and self-expression zone syncing with lucky Jupiter in your sign. Your creativity is at an all-time high, and you feel like you’re truly owning your voice and tapping into your artistic impulses now. This period also lends itself to enjoying more out-of-the-blue fun with friends, loved ones and potentially a significant other — or even just enjoying an amplified sense that you really get one another.

Click through for more on Gemini. 


Cancer jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

With the sun in your home sector forming a sweet trine to expansive Jupiter in your spirituality zone, you’re feeling more grounded and in tune with your roots, your inner emotions and your loved ones. You could be embarking on a new chapter with your nearest and dearest or feeling like you’re blazing a promising new trail for your family. Sharing deep-rooted emotions with someone special or a trusted confidant (like a therapist) could bolster emotional centeredness. 

Click through for more on Cancer. 


Leo jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

With the confident sun in your communication zone forming a positive angle to fortunate Jupiter in your networking and friendships sector, life is buzzier and more social than usual. Whether you have a big picture idea you want to flesh out the details on or you want to brainstorm how to make a long-term wish a reality, your connections — friends, colleagues and community — are sure to have you feeling extra supported. You may even feel inspired to set bigger goals because they have your back.

Click through for more on Leo. 


Virgo jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

You’ll enjoy a surge of exuberant, upbeat energy related to your professional path, thanks to the sun in your money zone forming a harmonizing angle to Jupiter in your career zone. If you’ve been wanting to pitch an ambitious project to a higher-up or discuss taking on more responsibilities or earning recognition in the future, this moment is an opportunity to lay your cards on the table. The praise and sense of authority you’ve been dreaming of feels like it’s within reach. 

Click through for more on Virgo. 


Libra jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

With the sun in your sign and self-image zone syncing with lucky Jupiter in your higher learning and adventure sector, you can step out of your comfort zone with full confidence that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. The recent eclipse season may have had you second-guessing your next move, but this transit makes it possible to check in with your inner voice and get centered in the unknown. Whether you’re taking a long-distance trip or pursuing personal growth in a different way, you can now leap and the net will appear. 

Click through for more on Libra. 


Scorpio jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

Your most intimate bonds are contributing to a great deal of happiness right now, thanks to the sun in your spirituality zone forming its happy trine to magnifying Jupiter in your emotional bonds zone. You’ll feel like you can wear your heart on your sleeve and your significant other or loved ones will truly hold space for you to move through your emotions however you need to. At the same time, with Jupiter in the zone that oversees joint resources, you could be well on your way to hitting financial goals you share with family.

Click through for more on Scorpio. 


Sagittarius jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

With the sun in your friendships zone syncing with fortunate Jupiter in your partnerships sector, your relationships have you feeling like you’re on top of the world now. You can easily connect and make strides on collaborative endeavors, trade notes and game plan on shared aspirations and even bond more readily whether you’re catching up in person or shooting one another hilarious DMs. Take advantage of this moment by tuning into your greatest needs within any of these relationships, and carving out time to voice them. Chances are you’ll feel heard.

Click here for more on Sagittarius. 


Capricorn jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

With the sun in your career zone making such a positive angle to Jupiter in your daily routine sector, this transit could bring heartening news related to your professional path and everyday hustle. You’re always putting your nose to the grindstone, and your industriousness may very well be applauded. This recognition could empower you to speak up about what you need to feel even more fulfilled and balanced in this part of your life. Maybe it’s time to tailor down your responsibilities or build in more time for a passion project. Either way, your heart gets to have a say just as much as your head now. 

Click through for more on Capricorn. 


Aquarius jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

This moment is brimming with blissful opportunities shaking up your mundane routine alongside a significant other or other loved ones, because the sun in your adventure sector forms a joyful angle to Jupiter in your romance and self-expression zone. You’re often perfectly content sticking with the rational path forward, but this transit encourages you to tune into your gut and follow your heart. It might be time to pursue that creative undertaking you’ve been musing about, to hone a bold new skill set or to enjoy a spontaneous getaway with your S.O. You deserve to pursue whatever vision you’ve been daydreaming about.

Click through for more on Aquarius. 


Pisces jupiter trine sun
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty
Ramziya Abdrakhmanova/Getty

With the sun in your emotional bonds sector forming a positive trine to Jupiter in your home zone, this transit has you feeling especially fortunate and enthusiastic about your closest relationships and family life. Heart-to-hearts with a significant other or loved ones are healing and bolster bonds all around. You might also be inspired to dive into the deep end of your emotions with a therapist or trusted confidant, which could lay the groundwork for greater inner peace and overall wellness.  

Click through for more on Pisces.


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