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7 Historical Fiction Books about the Revolutionary War — Perfect For July 4th!

Pick up one of these sagas to celebrate this Independence Day!


Amid the 4th of July parades, barbecues, pool parties and other get-togethers, this holiday is also a great time to get lost in a captivating saga that takes you back in time to remember the war America fought that led to today’s celebrations. So we’ve rounded up our favorite Revolutionary War books. From sweeping tales about women secretly enlisting in the war to romances torn apart by the battle and dangerous deals with British espionage, each of these novels provides an intriguing escape to the past. Here, you’ll find 7 unputdownable tales that take place during the Revolutionary War years. These books, written by bestselling authors like Diana Gabaldon, Allison Pataki and Amy Harmon, are guaranteed to provide fascinating historical facts and heart-racing drama!

A Girl Called Samson by Amy Harmon

A Girl Called Samson by Amy Harmon
Lake Union Publishing

From bestselling author Amy Harmon, this inspiring tale is set right in the heart of Plympton, Massachusetts in 1760. After her father abandons them, Deborah Samson and her mother are left all alone. Deborah has no choice but to become an indentured servant. Flash forward 20 years, and the American Revolution is raging on. Desperate to move up from her social station, Deborah decides to go undercover as a soldier in the Continental army. What follows is a battle of bravery, love and strength.

What readers are saying: “If you’re after a story that will engross, endear and consume you, A Girl Called Samson is for you. Not only was it beautifully and skillfully penned, but it was quite simply an eye-opening walk through history and a compelling exposition of love, both gentle and unending. In a word, it was stunning.”

America’s Daughter by Celeste De Blasis

America’s Daughter by Celeste De Blasis (revolutionary war books)

This breathtaking novel opens in 1773 on the night of the Boston Tea Party. After sneaking out to witness the historical event, Addie Valencourt knows her life is about to change. Soon after that, Addie’s childhood sweetheart, Silas, sets off to join General George Washington, leading her right into the arms of Scottish Highlander John Traverne. But when Silas is captured by the British, Addie must decide where her heart truly lies. Fans of historical romance and love triangles will be captivated by this one.

What readers are saying: “I really liked this book. It starts right at the beginning of what led up to the war and I learned a lot. This is my second series by this author. I am looking forward to the next installment in this series!”

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The Traitor’s Wife by Allison Pataki

The Traitor’s Wife by Allison Pataki
Howard Books

When socialite Peggy Shippen meets war hero Major General Benedict Arnold, she uses her charms to become his wife. But when he can’t deliver the lavish lifestyle she covets, Peggy convinces him to strike a deal with her former lover, who is now in charge of British espionage. A disillusioned Arnold agrees, and the plot to turn over strategic West Point to the British is hatched.

What readers are saying: “I’m fascinated by Revolutionary War history, so I couldn’t wait to read this book based on the life of Benedict Arnold,” says Rebecca Haynes, Woman’s World Deputy Health Director. “I loved that the author included an epilogue and notes that revealed the true historical details and where she took creative license with the facts. Even though I knew how the story would end, I couldn’t put the book down.”

The Women of Chateau Lafayette by Stephanie Dray

The Women of Chateau Lafayette by Stephanie Dray (revolutionary war books)

This beautiful and bold novel follows three powerful women in various eras. It begins in 1774 with Adrienne Lafayette, the loving wife of Marquis de Lafayette. The story then picks up in 1914, where socialite Beatrice Chanler is dealing with the horrors of the first World War. Finally, in 1940 teacher Marthe Simon begins to question who she really is as the Nazis begin to invade her hometown. An astonishing, empowering tale.

What readers are saying: “I absolutely loved this book! Spanning through the French Revolution and WWII is a tale about three women who defended and celebrated the life and heroics of Lafayette, each in her own way. A must read for anyone interested in historical fiction and female heroism.”

Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon

Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon (revolutionary war books)
Delacorte Press

Bestselling author of the epic Outlander series, Diana Gabaldon takes readers back in time to 1779 in this installment. Twenty years after the Jacobite Rising in 1746 that tore Jamie Fraser and Claire Randall apart, their family is finally reunited. But as the American Revolutionary War creeps closer to home, the duo decide they’ll do whatever it takes to stay together.

What readers are saying: “What a wonderful book in a delightful series, filled with rounded characters against a historical setting with the most amazing adventures!”

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American Wild by Marissa Hale

American Wild by Marissa Hale
Autumn & Lee Publishing

Unforgettable characters and a deeply inspiring story abound in American Wild. After her husband is brutally murdered, Vittorie LeClerc has no choice but to flee France to America. But when she gets there Vittorie meets a mysterious man in the woods and is soon transported into the dangerous and thrilling world. What follows is a brave and beautiful tale.

What readers are saying: “The attention to detail brings the characters to life and soon you are transported to the earliest days of our nation. Nothing was guaranteed and everything was at risk. What survives is the spirit of the people who dared to dream of a better life and freedom from tyranny.”

The Lacemaker by Laura Frantz

The Lacemaker by Laura Frantz (revolutionary war books)

Historical romance author Laura Frantz delivers another utterly romantic tale in The Lacemaker. After colonial Williamsburg explodes the night before the American Revolution, Lady Elisabeth “Liberty” Lawson’s fiancé leaves her, making Liberty the prime suspect in the eyes of England. Soon after, Liberty meets Patriot Noble Rynallt, leaving her to decide whether she’ll stick to what she knows in England or follow her heart and side with the rebel forces. A swoon-worthy tale.

What readers are saying: “This book is fantastic. I’ve been to Williamsburg a handful of times and loved seeing it come to life again in my head through the book. Frantz is a master storyteller, and the amount of research she did is evident. Relatable characters, gripping plot — I didn’t want it to end!”

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