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This Traffic Stop Proposal Ended In Tears…Of Joy: “I Couldn’t Be Happier!”

After being followed by the police, Troy Goldschmidt pulled off an epic proposal!

“That police car’s been following us for a while,” Troy Goldschmidt told his girlfriend, Moriah Prichard, as they cruised through Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on their way to a concert.

“You haven’t been speeding,” Moriah said, but a few blocks later the flashers lit up.

“Uh-oh,” Troy said, pulling into the nearest parking lot.

This wasn’t the Wausau couple’s first encounter with the Eau Claire police. Seven months earlier, Troy and Moriah had spent a weekend in the city. While sightseeing, Moriah had lost her cell phone. Luckily, someone found it and turned it in to the police.

Troy and Moriah had another unexpected encounter with the police
Troy and Moriah had another unexpected encounter with the policeTroy Goldschmidt

Officer Maggie Andersen could have just dropped it off in the department’s property desk. But it was a slow day, and even locked, the phone’s display showed the owner’s name, Moriah Prichard. So, she ran the name through her squad car computer and found Moriah’s address and phone number, but the number was for the phone in her hand.

But that didn’t stop Officer Andersen. She dug deeper and tracked down Moriah’s parents, who called Troy’s cell. Moriah hadn’t even realized she’d lost her phone.

In the morning, they retrieved the phone from police headquarters. The desk sergeant even put in a call to Officer Andersen so they could thank her personally. “That was above and beyond,” Moriah told her over the phone.

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Now, seven months later, Troy and Moriah were with the Eau Claire police again.

“License and registration,” Officer Josh Miller requested, and returned to his squad car. Soon, Officer Miller was back.

“Sir, did you change your license recently, because you don’t appear in our system,” he inquired, then added, “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to step out of the car.”

That’s when his partner, Officer Andersen, approached the passenger window and said to Moriah, “Ma’am, can you get out of the car too?”

Having only spoken to Officer Andersen on the phone, Moriah didn’t realize this was her cell phone Good Samaritan.

Trembling, she followed the officer around the car to where Troy was being detained — and was stunned to find him down on one knee…smiling.

Troy surprised Moriah with a proposal at the traffic stop
Troy surprised Moriah with a traffic stop proposalTroy Goldschmidt

“I love you so much,” he began, holding a ring. “You’re my best friend. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Moriah cried out in surprise, then joy. “Yes!” she exclaimed, and when she turned around, she shrieked again because behind her stood both her own family and Troy’s.

With the help of the police, Troy surprised Moriah with a proposal
With the help of the police, Troy surprised Moriah with a proposalTroy Goldschmidt

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“Moriah once told me she knew me so well, there was no way I could ever surprise her,” says Troy. So, when he decided to propose, he put on his thinking cap and came up with the traffic stop ruse. He was thrilled when Officer Andersen and her partner agreed to take part on their day off.

The happy couple is planning an August wedding, and of course, Officers Miller and Andersen are invited.

“Thank you so much Eau Claire Police Department for volunteering your time, and thank you, Troy,” says Moriah. “I couldn’t be happier!”

Troy and Moriah (center)with Officers Andersen (left) and Miller (right)
Troy and Moriah (center)with Officers Andersen (left) and Miller (right)Troy Goldschmidt

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