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Kelly Ripa Is Down For A Menopause Party — Everything You Need to Know About Embracing This Chapter of Life

Plus celebs who are partaking


Unfortunately, menopause isn’t a subject that until now hasn’t much been talked about, let alone celebrated in our culture. The good news is that seems to be changing as more and more women embrace their next stage of life through menopause parties. Even celebrities like Kelly Ripa and Michelle Obama are jumping on the bandwagon and allowing themselves to open up about the things women go through during this time. Want to throw your own? Keep reading to learn more about menopause parties and how this topic is shifting from taboo to fabulous.

What are menopause parties?

The term menopause party is becoming increasingly popular as women gather to celebrate their next phase of life rather than shy away. Whether you meet for a weekly dinner, throw a literal party, attend a retreat or go on a trip, menopause deserves to be embraced.

There are a few different ways to do a menopause party. One involves making light of the situation through fun trivia or games, gynecological-shaped treats and feeling a sense of joy. Think of this like a baby shower or divorce party. 

On the other hand, many women look at these as a way to gain support and share experiences with one another. If you’re miserable or adjusting to this new stage of life, the menopause parties allow you to commiserate with other women who are experiencing similar things. 

“I know that the taboos associated with menopause intimidate women and keep them from getting the information they need to live happy and healthy lives,” Ellen Dolgen, creator of Menopause Mondays Parties (social events that include discussions on perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause) previously told Fortune Well. “Women supporting one another, with their favorite beverage in hand, is more approachable and less threatening.”

How to throw your own menopause party

Jenn Salib Huber, a registered dietician based in the Netherlands who focuses on nutrition for menopause management, and also hosts menopause retreats previously told HuffPost: “I think that the number one reason why people are interested in this is the community and the connection.”

There’s no right or wrong way to participate and a lot of women find joy in the humor. Take a spin through Pinterest to get inspired! You can drink wine out of a glass that acts as a menopause mood detector . It has three different levels: Don’t Ask, Bad Day and Good Day. You can also create fun slippers out of maxi pads and decorate them. 

“As more and more people are feeling comfortable talking about being in menopause, they can shed some of the stigma and shame around aging and being in menopause, [and instead] they just take the opportunity to celebrate it,” Huber added.

Celebrities are also participating in menopause parties

Michelle Obama, Drew Barrymore, Naomi Watts and others have spoken up about their experiences with menopause and want other women to know that they can do the same. 

In fact, Kelly Ripa is more than willing to try out a menopause party for herself. On the June 18 episode of Live With Kelly and Mark, the talk show host and her husband and co-host Mark Consuelos were changing the narrative surrounding menopause. She joked and said “Grab your CoQ10 and your lubricant.” Consuelos chimed in and added, “And your fans.”

Throughout the episode, Ripa seemed genuinely confused as to why there was such a stigma when talking about menopause and said regarding the parties, “They look like fun. Everybody looks very happy.”

Ripa also compared the menopause parties to her idea of a “girl’s night out.” Both she and Consuelos discussed the importance of removing the stigma around the topic.

How can you benefit from menopause parties?

Group of women supporting each other

While menopause parties foster human connection, they also help you to feel good in your own skin. Like any other phase of life, this one should be accepted with ease. It’s the time to focus on you and your needs — rather than kids, a partner, a job or anything else. 

These parties are also a way to celebrate aging and the natural things your body goes through during that process. Whether you’re hosting one or attending as a guest, the way you celebrate is completely up to you. 

For more advice on menopause:

Dr. Anna Cabeca: These Are the Superfoods That Help Shrink a Menopause Belly

Menopause Can up the Risk of Recurrent Yeast Infections — Ob/Gyn Shares 4 Tips That Can Help

Intermittent Fasting for Menopause: Top Doc Shares Easy Twist Just for Women Over 50

This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.

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