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Your 2024 Full Moon in Capricorn Horoscope: What’s in Store for You Come June 21

Find out how this full moon can bring you closer to achieving big picture goals


Although summer tends to bring to mind visions of enjoying bubbly, lighthearted moments with loved ones and taking well-deserved breaks from putting your nose to the grindstone, the season is far from immune from presenting more emotionally-charged moments. And in 2024, the day following the official kickoff of the sunniest time of the year happens to host an industrious, goal-oriented full moon in Capricorn, which sits opposite Cancer, the zodiac sign the sun will have just kicked off its trip through on the day of the summer solstice

On Friday, June 21 at 9:08 p.m. ET/6:08 p.m. PT, this lunar event falls in the cardinal earth sign symbolized by the Sea Goat and ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard work, commitment and boundaries. (And it’s actually one of two full moons we’ll have in Capricorn this year; the second one occurring a month later, on July 21.) This is a full moon that will encourage you to reflect on your responsibilities and work-life balance as well as your sense of authority and the big picture achievements you want to make moving forward.

Capricorn excels at tapping into inner drive in a pragmatic way and taking the initiative then moving at a measured, steady pace toward the peak of whatever mountain we’ve set our sights on. That said, expect a more grounded lunar event than many, but also know that a full moon is still a full moon — meaning there’s always a chance emotions could run high. Here, all you need to know about this determination-fueling event so you can make the most of it.

What is a full moon?

Full moons occur once — less frequently, twice — per month when the moon and the sun are positioned opposite one another in the sky and in the zodiac. Because they’re sitting opposite one another, the sun’s blinding light reflects off of the moon, leading to a gasp-worthy spectacle in the night sky. During a full moon, the moon lights the sky up brighter than any other time in the lunar cycle. For that reason, astrologically speaking, it is a time during which it feels like your most intense, passionate emotions have been cranked up to the nth degree. And as the sun opposite moon dynamic also mirrors an amplified focus on partnerships, full moons are made for reflecting — and taking action — on matters of the heart.

You can work with this energy for four days before and after the event occurs. In astrology, the moon rules our emotions, intuition and nurturing style. And when it’s full, all of those aspects of our inner life are heightened. You could feel particularly sensitive, empathic, fired up or even burned out if an emotional situation has become exhausting. Full moons also present the chance to see how far you’ve come since planting seeds during the new moon that occurred either two weeks (in this case, June 6’s new moon in Gemini) or six months prior (the January 11, 2024 new moon in Capricorn).

What is the full moon in Capricorn 2024?

Every full moon is a chance to take stock of your partnerships and better understand your deepest emotions, and your experience of that full moon ritual this month is charged with a more practical, rational and grounded energy, given that June’s full moon in Capricorn — aka the Strawberry Moon, a tribute to wild strawberries ripening this time of year, coined by various North American Indigenous tribes — is ruled by Saturn. Referred to in astrology as the taskmaster planet, Saturn oversees restrictions, discipline, limitations, rules, authority figures and challenges. That said, it might sound like the most daunting planet, but Saturn’s purpose is to encourage you to put in the work required to lay a solid foundation for the future. Think of it as astrology’s very own career counselor or stern professor; Saturnian lessons are generally nudges to level up, get organized and set up structures that will serve you well over time. 

In turn, this full moon encourages you to acknowledge and embrace your responsibilities and to get clear on how far you’ve come and what you want to accomplish next. And because Cap is associated with the Tenth House of Career and Public Image, status, recognition and how you’re perceived by others publicly could all be themes that come up — and stir up emotions — now as well.

The first 2024 Capricorn full moon spotlights your work-life balance (or lack thereof)

Every full moon juxtaposes the energies of the sign that the moon is moving through and the sign the sun (which it sits opposite of) is in — aka an “axis” in astrology. This full moon is on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, which pits Cancerian themes such as home life, foundations, your inner life and emotional well-being against Capricornian themes like career, public image, achievement and responsibility. So, this full moon could illuminate any imbalances between these aspects of life in an effort to fuel catharsis and, ultimately, ideally, positive change.

You could be torn between reality and wearing rose-colored glasses

The full moon occurs at 1 degree of Capricorn, while Neptune, the planet of spirituality, dreams and illusion, is at 29 degrees of Pisces, less than two degrees shy of Aries, the cardinal fire sign, which means that the moon forms a tense, albeit activating, square with Neptune. This connection can cause heightened emotions (the moon) to clash with a blurring of rational thought (Neptune). In other words, although Capricorn tends to be so rock steady and practical, Neptune’s influence can drum up confusion — or, at the very least, the instinct to brush the cold, hard truth under the rug in lieu of opting for a pretty, rose-colored filter on the situation.  

Given this influence, it may be wise to avoid jumping to conclusions should something feel a bit off, unclear or eyebrow-raising. Instead, wait for the dust to settle before fact-checking or revisiting the situation.

The first 2024 full moon in Capricorn coincides with an opportunity to take action on brilliant thoughts and interactions

Just before the full moon is exact, Mercury, the communication planet, in Cancer, the cardinal water sign, will form a harmonizing sextile to go-getter Mars, the planet of action, in fixed earth sign Taurus, which could amplify your cerebral energy and ambition. Whether you’ve dreamed up a new goal you want to hit the gas on pursuing or have a lively, thrilling interaction with a friend, loved one or significant other that inspires you to create a step-by-step game plan, you’re bound to feel fired up and ready to move the ball forward on whatever you’ve been thinking or chatting about.    

Here, how the 2024 Capricorn full moon will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Aries

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Aries

This full moon occurs in your career zone, which nudges you to step into a leadership position or take charge of an ongoing project in a way that can’t help but catch the attention of higher-ups. Trusting yourself is key to success, as will be moving at a slower, steadier pace, which might feel a bit counterintuitive for you. But with your ruling planet, go-getter Mars, in your income zone forming a harmonious sextile to messenger Mercury in your home zone, adopting a more practical, measured approach can lead to concrete rewards across the board.

Click through for more on Aries.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Taurus

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Taurus

With this full moon falling in your adventure sector, you’ll be reflecting on your personal beliefs and philosophies. It could be that something you’ve always had faith in isn’t sitting right with you in this moment. Just be aware that with the moon’s square to spiritual Neptune in your friendships zone, friends and colleagues’ opinions could hold more sway over your take than usual, causing you to have a tougher time getting clear on how you feel — which is, ultimately, what matters the most. Thankfully, go-getter Mars in your sign sextiles messenger Mercury in your communication zone around the same time, so writing or talking through your thoughts with a trusted confidant could lead to a practical game plan.

Click through for more on Taurus.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Gemini

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Gemini

This full moon lights up your emotional bonds zone, which will have you meditating on what brings you the most comfort and security within your closest relationships. You could have a lightbulb moment related to what you need between the sheets, or you may find that conversations with loved ones about joint finances or legal contracts prove especially enlightening. Thanks to action-oriented Mars in your spirituality zone forming a positive angle to messenger Mercury in your money zone, tuning into and trusting your intuition is integral to boosting your sense of security and stability now. 

Click through for more on Gemini.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Cancer

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Cancer

This full moon illuminates your partnership zone, which can help you gain clarity on truths related to your one-on-one romantic, platonic or professional connections. You’ll become more conscious of how you’re showing up in these relationships and whether someone’s pulling more weight than they should. Addressing inequalities can be therapeutic now. And given go-getter Mars in your networking zone forming a sextile to information-gathering Mercury in your sign, you could find you’re able to lean even more than usual on a group of friends or team you’re a part of to achieve a long-term wish.

Click through for more on Cancer.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Leo

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Leo

With this full moon falling in your wellness zone, you could be fed up with a particular routine, hectic schedule or mind-body practice that’s just not delivering the upshot you had in mind. You might be inspired to embrace the Saturnian vibes of this lunar event and set better boundaries or even call it quits for the sake of your well-being. Still, because the full moon forms a harsh square to dreamy Neptune in your emotional bonds sector, you could feel a bit unmoored and unsure of what lies ahead. Just remember that you don’t have to have all of the answers at this very moment to move forward. 

Click through for more on Leo.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Virgo

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Virgo

Falling in your romance and self-expression sector, this full moon might motivate you to get more serious about making room in your schedule for creativity, fun, playfulness and following your heart. You could feel like you’ve been putting your nose to the grindstone for a while now and maybe a bit burned out or resentful, but this moment is perfect for taking the time to get clear on your needs — and then, setting up new foundations to ensure they’re met. With go-getter Mars in your adventure sector sextiling messenger Mercury, your ruler, in your networking zone, brainstorming game plans alongside friends or colleagues could support your efforts.

Click through for more on Virgo.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Libra

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Libra

This full moon is activating your home zone, which could highlight issues related to loved ones. These are likely challenges that have been nagging at you for some time but that you might’ve brushed under the rug in an effort to avoid conflict. Now, you’ll do best to tackle whatever’s come up head-on, channeling your inner sense of authority to do so. With action-oriented Mars in your emotional bonds zone forming a harmonious angle to messenger Mercury in your career zone, the silver lining of owning an action-oriented strategy could be more balance at home — and at work.

Click through for more on Libra.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Scorpio

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Scorpio

Occurring in your communication zone, this full moon could feel buzzy, cerebral, frenetic and full of high mental energy. You could feel like you’ve overcommitted to social time or short-distance errands, and if that’s the case, it’s a sign that you’ll do well to work on reorganizing your schedule and to more readily say “no” to plans that aren’t entirely aligning with your priorities at the moment. And if you’re not quite sure what to prioritize, you’ll find you can readily talk it through with a loved one or dear friend, thanks to your co-ruler go-getter Mars in your partnership zone sextiling messenger Mercury in your higher learning zone. 

Click through for more on Scorpio.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Sagittarius

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Sagittarius

Falling in your money zone, this full moon spurs self-reflection around your values, how you’re sharing your skills with colleagues on the job and your self-worth. You might realize that it’s time to go to bat for more recognition or a raise — or that it’s time to stop moving down a path that’s not quite a fit anymore. With go-getter Mars in your routine zone forming a harmonious angle to messenger Mercury in your joint resources sector, sharing your thoughts with a loved one might prove helpful to envisioning — and then moving toward — your future. 

Click here for more on Sagittarius.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Capricorn

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Capricorn

Welcome to one of two full moons in your sign that you’ll experience this year. This could prove to be an especially emotional, even somewhat draining moment as your sensitivity is heightened and you become more conscious of desires and needs that aren’t being fulfilled. In turn, it’ll be crucial to prioritize self-care, self-reflection and any practices that support your personal growth and well-being. And your relationships can also prove centering now, too, given that action-oriented Mars in your romance zone sextiles messenger Mercury in your partnership sector, spurring joyful, lively interactions with loved ones or friends.  

Click through for more on Capricorn.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Aquarius

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Aquarius

This full moon might be about stepping up to meet your responsibilities, but in your case, thanks to this full moon happening in your spirituality zone, those responsibilities are related to caring for your mental and emotional well-being. You might feel compelled to hit pause on your everyday hustle to slow down and nurture your mind and spirit through a grounding, healing practice like therapy, meditation, yoga, journaling or deep breathing. And with action-oriented Mars in your home zone sextiling messenger Mercury in your routine zone, tending to your inner world can lead to greater balance — and success — over time.

Click through for more on Aquarius.

What full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Pisces

at full moon in Capricorn 2024 means for Pisces

Falling in your networking and long-term wishes sector, this full moon stirs up your desire to engage in group activities. In fact, you could be reaching the culmination point of collaborative effort or realizing that joining up with friends or colleagues is the key to making a long-held aspiration a reality. Just be aware that with the moon clashing with mystical Neptune in your sign, you could be more easily caught up by daydreams or left befuddled by a conversation with a friend. It’s even more reason to ensure you’re listening to and trusting your inner voice now. 

Click through for more on Pisces.

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