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What Zodiac Signs Are Compatible With Cancer? Astrologer Reveals Everything You Need to Know

Plus, which ones to steer clear of!


Whether you’re a total beginner or a more advanced student of astrology, you’ve probably noticed that one of the greatest gifts astrology has to offer is the ability to better understand yourself and your loved ones. And as the sun moves through a particular zodiac sign, and the energy of the moment can’t help but mirror traits of that sign, we also become more conscious of how our own personalities mesh, harmonize or conflict with that sign’s characteristics and perspective. As we kick off Cancer season, which runs from approximately June 20 to July 22, you could be celebrating your own birthday or people in your life who were born under the sensitive, nurturing, funny and self-protective water sign and find yourself wondering about Cancer compatibility. Which signs are most compatible with or tend to struggle to get on the same page as the moon-ruled Crab? And why exactly is that the case?  

Here’s what to know about Cancer’s compatibility with each of the 12 signs. 

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Cancer: What to Know About the Sign, Cancer Traits and More

Cancer compatibility: Zodiac signs that are the most compatible with Cancer

These signs are most apt to hit it off with Cancer, whether platonically, romantically or professionally. 

What zodiac signs are compatible with Cancer: Taurus

What signs are compatible with Cancer: Taurus

The fixed earth sign, ruled by romantic Venus, sits two signs — or 60 degrees — away from Cancer, which means they’re sextile. This friendly angle allows for a free-flowing, easygoing connection between the Bull and the Crab. Both innately adore staying close to home to feather their nest, reveling in some of life’s most sensual pleasures (like delicious food and snuggles with loved ones) and tend to prioritize security. Relationship-oriented Taurus appreciates Cancer’s nurturing heart, and sensitive Cancer can feel more grounded by spending quality time with Taurus.   

For a more in-depth take see: Taurus and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs are compatible with Cancer: Cancer


When two people share the same sun sign, it’s considered conjunct (aka 0 degrees apart). And while you might imagine that sharing this quality would make for perfect harmony, not all of the 12 zodiac signs get along swimmingly with someone born under the same sign. However, two Cancers could very well be a match made in heaven, given that both people are wired to prioritize family life, emotional well-being and caring for others. The only asterisk on this is that at their worst, Cancers can be moody — even snappy — when they need to work through anything that’s weighing on their heart. So if two Crabs are fully swept up in their emotions and struggling to think rationally, there could be fireworks!

For a more in-depth take see: Cancer and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs are compatible with Cancer: Virgo

What signs are compatible with Cancer: Virgo

The mutable earth sign, ruled by messenger Mercury, is two signs, or 60 degrees, away from Cancer, and therefore, sextile to the sign of the Crab. This friendly, breezy connection means that, at the least, The Maiden and the Crab are capable of becoming dear friends, but there’s also a lot of potential for chemistry galore. This is owed to the fact that both Virgo and Cancer are sensitive and naturally interested in caregiving and showing up for their nearest and dearest. Nurturing Cancer appreciates that thoughtful Virgo cares is service-oriented and wants to help others, often by gathering and sharing useful information, and detail-oriented Virgo feels seen by loving, warm Cancer.  A possible hitch: When agitated, Virgo might nitpick, which can rub Cancer’s tender heart the wrong way, and Cancer’s moodiness might confuse pragmatic Virgo. 

For a more in-depth take see: Virgo and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs are compatible with Cancer: Scorpio


The fixed water sign, co-ruled by go-getter Mars and transformative Pluto, is three signs, or 90 degrees, away from Cancer, so the two signs are trine one another. A trine, the most harmonious angle that can exist between two signs, occurs when signs share the same element — in this case, water. Obvious sparks fly between this like-minded pair, as they’re both intuitive, self-protective, deeply emotional and invested in bonding on an intimate level. The romantic Crab adores how intense the Scorpion is fully present in their relationship, and notoriously private Scorpio feels like they can absolutely trust and open up to a Crab partner or friend. Still, no match is without its challenges, and when it comes to Scorpio and Cancer, possessiveness and the tendency to be emotionally guarded, from either party, could cause friction. 

For a more in-depth take see: Scorpio and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs are compatible with Cancer: Pisces

What signs are compatible with Cancer: Pisces

The mutable water sign, co-ruled by buoyant, lucky Jupiter and spiritual Neptune, is three signs, or 90 degrees, away from Cancer, which means the two form a happy, loving trine. As two water signs, both Cancer and Pisces are in tune with their hearts and prize their feelings above just about everything else. They’re also both deeply intuitive — maybe even a little bit psychic — so even when one party isn’t being entirely transparent about what they’re going through emotionally, the other can generally sense that something’s up. Empathic Pisces is over-the-moon for compassionate Cancer’s ability to nurture and care for just about anyone in their orbit who’s in need while sentimental Cancer appreciates heartfelt Pisces’ dreaminess and vivid imagination. That said, challenges could arise stemming from the fact that the Crab is the most go-getter, initiative-taking sign of the water bunch while the sign of the Fish tends to be more passive and indecisive. 

For a more in-depth take see: Pisces and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

Cancer compatibility: Zodiac signs that aren’t compatible with Cancer

These signs are most apt to butt heads with Cancer.

What zodiac signs are not compatible with Cancer: Aries


The cardinal fire sign, ruled by action-oriented Mars, sits four signs, aka 90 degrees, away from Cancer, which means the two form a square, the most tense — but also activating — angle that can exist between two signs. Although these two share their cardinal quality, meaning they both excel at visionary thinking and taking initiative, they tend to go about it in very different ways. The sign of the Ram is competitive, direct, impulsive, speedy and finds conflict downright fun — all traits that Cancer might bristle at, given just how highly sensitive and emotional they can be. While the two might appreciate one another’s drive, harmony can be hard to come by as a result of Aries and Cancer being on disparate wavelengths. 

For a more in-depth take see: Aries and Cancer: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs are not compatible with Cancer: Libra


The cardinal air sign, ruled by artistic Venus, is four signs, or 90 degrees, away from Cancer, which means they form a difficult, albeit, at times, activating, square. Both are cardinal signs, so they’re natural-born go-getters who tend to think in terms of the big picture and love to hit the gas on large-scale endeavors. But their dispositions are quite different, which can make for some friction. The sign of the Scales is highly social, prefers to hear both sides of every case — sometimes to the point that they might struggle to take a stand — and avoids conflict at all costs. Homebody Cancer is less invested in meeting, greeting and hosting people outside of their comfy circle and might find Libra’s cerebral nature at odds with their deeply-felt emotions. That said, these two can connect on their shared love of all things beautiful, serene, comfy and cozy (think: a sumptuous, beautiful meal at a fine dining spot).  

For a more in-depth take see: Libra and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs are not compatible with Cancer: Capricorn 


The cardinal earth sign, ruled by taskmaster Saturn, sits six signs, or 180 degrees, away from Cancer, so the two signs form an opposition, which can stir up as much confusion as it does opportunities for learning and growth. As two cardinal signs, Capricorn and Cancer are both driven to think up and dive into big picture game plans, but while the sign of the Sea Goat tends to take a practical, grounded, no-nonsense approach, the Crab follows their heart. Industrious Capricorn is wired to put their nose to the grindstone to achieve recognition, respect and status while sensitive Cancer places more value on feathering their nest, bonding with loved ones, fostering a sense of inner security and staying close to home. Although it might seem like these two have, well, polar opposite priorities, the fact is that their relationship strengths and struggles mirror the importance of striking balance between both our professional and our domestic lives. 

For a more in-depth take see: Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

Cancer compatibility: Zodiac signs Cancer might struggle with

These signs tend to possess a very different energy and point of view than Cancer.

What zodiac signs Cancer might struggle with: Gemini


The mutable air sign, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, is one sign, or 30 degrees, away from Cancer, forming a semisextile, which is a tough angle between signs, because the two just don’t share a similar energy or perspective. Curious, mercurial and always information-gathering Gemini loves to be on the go, always connecting with new and current friends alike and prioritizing buzzy chitchat above swimming in the deep end of emotions — something that Cancer can’t help but do on a daily basis! Cancer could be frustrated by just how cerebral and scattered Gemini is, while sign of the Twins might not understand Cancer’s sensitivity. Still, Geminis are quite adaptable, and Cancers are happy to open up once you’ve earned their trust, so there is hope for these signs to learn from one another.

For a more in-depth take see: Gemini and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs Cancer might struggle with: Leo


The fixed fire sign, ruled by the vitality-bringing sun, is one sign, or 30 degrees apart from Cancer, which means the two form a semisextile, which can make for somewhat rough waters between two signs, because their energies aren’t naturally in sync. Dynamic, spotlight-loving Leo loves to be the center of attention and tends to be a bit self-focused, which may not sit quite right with Cancer, who is always looking out for everyone else. At the same time, while Cancer allows the waves of any and all emotions — from sadness to fear to joy and everything in between — to wash over them, the Lion of the zodiac prefers to focus on positivity and optimism and an action-oriented game plan. Still, both signs are incredibly affectionate, warm and possess huge hearts, so if they click, they’ll be equally invested in making it work.

For a more in-depth take see: Cancer and Leo Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs Cancer might struggle with: Sagittarius


The mutable fire sign, ruled by buoyant, magnifying Jupiter, is five signs, or 150 degrees apart from Cancer, so the two form a quincunx, an awkward angle that spurs misunderstanding between signs who don’t share the same element or quality. Adventurous, full of wanderlust and unfiltered in how they express themselves, Sagittarians are quite action-oriented who prefer to go big — and aren’t thrilled with going home! Unlike homebody Cancer, Sag finds more happiness and security out on the road and in the world than on the couch, given that they’re natural-born globetrotters. And because the philosophical Archer values truth over everything else, they don’t run their bold statements through any kind of sensitivity filter, which could fuel a flood of tears — or fury — from a tenderhearted Crab. That said, a hefty dose of open mindedness can allow for these two to appreciate one another’s strengths.

For a more in-depth take see: Cancer and Sagittarius Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

What zodiac signs Cancer might struggle with: Aquarius 


The fixed air sign, co-ruled by taskmaster Saturn and electrifying Uranus, is five signs, or 150 degrees apart from Cancer, so the two form a quincunx, which is a discordant aspect between two signs. Because they don’t share the same element or quality, it can be hard to understand one another’s M.O. Rebellious, future-minded, rational and at times contrarian Aquarius usually feels most comfortable finding their footing in platonic relationships versus the deeply intimate ones Cancer is after. Aquarius wants to march to the beat of their own drum, scoffing at anything conventional, while sentimental Cancer is big on time-honored traditions. That said, they can find common ground when it comes to humanitarian pursuits. Both are truly charitable and want what’s best for others. 

For a more in-depth take see: Aquarius and Cancer Compatibility: Are They a Good Match in Love and Friendship?

Cancer compatibility: The bottom line

No matter where the cardinal water sign stands with one of the other 11 signs, it bears noting that compatibility between sun signs is just one piece of a very complex, nuanced puzzle. To get the most accurate sense of how you connect or clash with another sign, you’ll do well to run your birth chart, which illustrates where all of the planets and luminaries (the sun and the moon) were when you came into the world. You could be surprised to learn that despite being born when the sun was moving through fiery Aries, your moon is in a water sign (like Scorpio or Pisces) that can’t help but magnetize you to a sentimental, intuitive Cancer. 

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