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Your 2024 Mercury in Leo Horoscope: What’s in Store for Your Zodiac Sign From July 2 to July 25

Here’s how communication and connection will be affected as Mercury moves through the driven, sunny fire sign

When it comes to not only how you connect and converse with others but how you’re thinking about the world around you, a thrilling, upbeat and passionate new tide is rolling in, thanks to Mercury entering Leo. This energy lends itself to expressing your needs in a more to-the-point, creative way, stepping into the spotlight and showering your loved ones — and being showered by loved ones — with even more warmth and generosity. And this is thanks to the planet of communication being the first of two celestial bodies (the other being romantic Venus) to move into the fixed fire sign well ahead of Leo season officially launching on Monday, July 22. As Mercury moves into Leo on Tuesday, July 2 at 8:50 a.m. ET/5:50 a.m. PT, it’ll leave behind the sentimental, mood-driven tone of cardinal water sign Cancer to bring a theatrical, dynamic, confident tone to the way we interact with one another and take in information.

Here, all you need to know in order to make the most of Mercury in Leo 2024.

What does Mercury in Leo mean?

Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology, influences how we connect with others, express ourselves, and think. So, to get a sense of the tone our collective communication and thought processes might take on at any given moment, you’ll do well to look to the zodiac sign that the messenger planet is making its way through. This is something my new book, Mercury Magic: How to Thrive During Retrogrades and Tap Into the Power of the Messenger Planet All Year Long, will guide you through, so you can make the most of Mercury’s moves.

Annually, in July and/or August, Mercury spends time in Leo, the fifth sign of the zodiac symbolized by the Lion. The fixed fire sign is ruled by the sun, which, in astrology, oversees self-image, core identity, confidence, expression of pride and purpose. This leads Leo to be one of the most self-assured, vivacious, optimistic, independent-minded, big-hearted and driven signs of all.

In turn, when Mercury moves through Leo, we tend to express ourselves in a more grandiose and proactive way. Commanding the spotlight or taking on a leadership position feels more doable, and, given Leo’s flair for the dramatic, we’re also more likely to both exaggerate or strive to entertain others. Given the sun’s influence, Mercury’s time in the sign of the Lion lends itself to exploring — and owning — your sense of self. Because Leo is associated with the Fifth House of Romance and Self-Expression, you might find you’re compelled to share your emotions in a more assertive, as well as playful, way.

Heads-up: Because Leo prefers to take the reins and be in charge, Mercury’s time in the fire sign could make it tougher to collaborate or be a team player. It’s also one of the fixed (aka resolute but also obstinate) signs, so there’s a risk of head-butting and finding yourself at an impasse at times, whether you and/or someone else is apt to be more stubborn now.

What can you expect during Mercury’s trip through Leo in 2024?

Although Mercury visits Leo annually, all of the other planets move at different rates through the zodiac, so the messenger planet’s meet-ups with other celestial bodies varies from year to year. A few key dates in 2024: Mercury is the first planet to enter Leo, and one day later, on Wednesday, July 3, it’ll oppose transformative Pluto, in Aquarius, which is fruitful energy for uncovering secrets but might also stir up power struggles, particularly between two parties who equally believe their idea or approach is superior.

A week later, on Wednesday, July 11, Venus, the planet of romance, moves into Leo, where it’ll remain until Sunday, August 4, infusing relationships, earning opportunities and our collective idea of what’s beautiful with a more fiery, fun-loving, luxury-loving and showy vibe. Then, on Thursday, July 12, Venus has its opposition to Pluto, which can amplify any underlying suspicions, jealousy or obsessive behaviors within your bonds.

Finally, on Monday, July 22, the confident sun, the ruler of Leo itself, enters the fixed fire sign, officially kicking off Leo season, which will only serve to bold and underline all of the themes Mercury in Leo has introduced. The sun has its own opposition to Pluto on Tuesday, July 23, highlighting issues of control and requiring you to loosen your grip on the steering wheel, as change, ideally for the sake of positive transformation, is inevitable now.

Here, how Mercury in Leo 2024 will affect you based on your sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Aries

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Aries

Mercury’s recent trip through your home zone has supported your ability to prioritize heart-to-hearts with loved ones, boosting mutual understanding and healing, but now, as it shifts into Leo, it’ll bring a more creative, self-expressive and spontaneous tone to your interactions with not just family members but everyone in your circle. That’s because the messenger planet is moving through your romance and self-expression sector, where it’ll amplify your playfulness and ability to share what’s in your heart in a creative, fun-loving way. Given your innately wide-eyed nature, you’re uniquely positioned to enjoy this transit — just give in to following your heart!

Click through for more on Aries.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Taurus

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Taurus

Over the past few weeks, Mercury has been in your communication zone, making your social life even more active than usual, which has been incredibly mentally stimulating but perhaps a bit draining for your taste. In turn, you could be relieved to find that Mercury in Leo highlights your home zone, turning your focus to more comfy, domestic pursuits. Now’s your chance to talk through game plans for a family reunion or to open up about an ongoing emotional issue, as you’ll find that the lines of communication are more open than ever with relatives. You can also research and map out your step-by-step action plan for a home renovation project or a mind-body practice that will center and nurture your inner, emotional well-being.

Click through for more on Taurus.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Gemini

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Gemini

After spending time in your money zone, which has fueled research and conversations related to how you earn, save and spend your assets, Mercury, your ruling planet, shifts into your communication sector, the area of your chart that’s actually associated with your sign. In Leo, Mercury’s driven, effervescent, fun-loving energy matches well with your own, and you can bring that vibe to how you’re connecting with new and old friends as well as colleagues. In short, your platonic bonds are sure to get a boost, especially when you aim to satiate your amplified curiosity and prioritize learning experiences and even horizon-broadening yet short-distance trips.

Click through for more on Gemini.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Cancer

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Cancer

After moving through your sign and magnifying your ability to take initiative and go to bat for your goals, information-gathering Mercury is now in your money sector. This is a fantastic opportunity to think about and research new opportunities for earning as well as strategies for saving and investing. You’ll also feel more empowered to speak up about your financial goals and to allow your values and self-worth to be a driving factor in these conversations. If you’ve been wanting greater rewards for all your hard work, now’s the time to come up with a step-by-step game plan then go after it!

Click through for more on Cancer.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Leo

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Leo

After moving through your spirituality zone, which can be restorative but sleepy, Mercury finally makes its way into your sign, where it can intensify your confidence and sense of self. You’ll be fired up to share your feelings, opinions, ideals and big picture perspective with others while also dreaming up strategies for overhauling how you’ve been presenting your most passionate ideas, accomplishments and point of view to the world. This is also a wonderful moment for pouring your most heartfelt emotions into a beloved artistic outlet. Engaging in any of these activities is sure to strengthen your self-image and have you feeling even more centered.

Click through for more on Leo.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Virgo

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Virgo

With your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, moving through your networking zone over the last few weeks, you’ve been committed to more community-oriented endeavors and meditating on or researching how you can best achieve long-term wishes. In other words, you’ve been super-productive and social! And now, with Mercury in your spirituality zone, you could be compelled to slow down a bit in order to prioritize your psychological well-being. Mercury’s time in this sector lends itself to more time spent meditating, journaling, engaging in deep breathing or meaningful introspection — solo or alongside a trusted confidant, like a therapist. The upshot: You’ll feel even more connected to your inner knowing and voice, which can’t help but support pursuit of passionate aspirations down the road.

Click through for more on Virgo.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Libra

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Libra

Mercury has been in your career sector over the last few weeks, supporting your ability to connect with higher-ups and think about how you want to command authority in your own right. But now, with the messenger planet moving through your networking and friendships zone, group endeavors and collaborative efforts with friends become more of a focus. Given just how social you are, you’ll adore the fact that it’s easier now to get together with your social circle. And if you’re able to work together to achieve a common goal or friends are able to support your efforts to make a long-term wish a reality, all the better!

Click through for more on Libra.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Scorpio

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Scorpio

While Mercury was in your higher learning zone previously, you could have felt a palpable sense of restlessness that propelled you to connect with people outside of your network, to travel and to soak up new philosophies. Now, the messenger planet travels through your career sector, which supports your need to make a burning desire to make your mark in a more public way. Skills you honed over the last few weeks could come in handy now! You’ll be more driven, confident and prepared to call meetings with higher-ups, step into a leadership position, take on more responsibility or take the reins on a big picture project. Trust you have exactly what it takes to shine.

Click through for more on Scorpio.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Sagittarius

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Sagittarius

The messenger planet was in your emotional bonds zone over the last few weeks, nudging you to initiate meaningful conversations with loved ones in order to address your desires and boost intimacy. express your desires for deep, meaningful conversation and bonding time with loved ones. Now, Mercury moves through your adventure zone — the sector associated with your sign! — heightening your usual wanderlust. You’ll want to spread your wings and hit pause on anything that feels stale or mundane, perhaps booking a long-distance trip or advancing your education by signing up for a class working with a mentor. This is also the perfect moment for soaking up new philosophies and perspectives.

Click here for more on Sagittarius.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Capricorn

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Capricorn

After moving through your partnership zone, supporting one-on-one communication, Mercury now travels through your intimacy and joint resources sector. The messenger planet’s time here supports your efforts to wear your heart on your sleeve with loved ones and to embrace vulnerability for the sake of strengthening your closest bonds. You can also take advantage of this transit by being more honest and open about your sexual desires. And because this zone also oversees finances you share with loved ones, dive into learning more about ways to maximize your returns on joint investments or savings plans.

Click through for more on Capricorn.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Aquarius

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Aquarius

Mercury has been in your daily routine zone, which likely set a frenetic albeit productive pace — something that you, as an air sign, excel at keeping up with! But in Leo, Mercury moves through your partnership sector setting a different tone that’s more about tending to your one-on-one relationships. You can more readily add quality time with a loved one, dear friend, business partner or significant other onto your calendar now and find that you’re more in sync when it comes to talking through how to best approach a shared aspiration. If there are topics on which you’ve been clashing, you can adopt a more diplomatic tone and mediate your way to a concrete solution. To make for the smoothest sailing, just watch out for the tendency to dig your heels in.

Click through for more on Aquarius.

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Pisces

What Mercury in Leo 2024 means for Pisces

Mercury’s time in your romance and self-expression zone offered you a green light to be more playful, creative, self-expressive and fun-loving, especially when spending time with your nearest and dearest. Now in Leo, the messenger planet moves through your daily routine and wellness zone, which can bring that same go-getter cerebral energy to how you’re checking off everyday to-dos and tending to your health and well-being. If you’ve been wanting to rethink how you’re caring for your mind, body and spirit, you’ll be particularly proactive and up for trading notes with friends or colleagues about helpful strategies. You could find you have just as much fun researching your next steps as you have diving in!

Click through for more on Pisces.

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